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Misjudgment and resumption eV

Entered in the register of associations at the District Court of Charlottenburg, VR 39249 B

represented by two board members together


First Chairman: Prof. Dr. Stefan König (first chairman), Prof. Dr. Carsten Momsen (Vice Chairman), Prof. Dr. Kirstin Drenkhahn (third chair), Philipp Bruckmann, Paula Benedict

c/o Lawyer Prof. Dr. king

Goerlitzer Strasse 74

10997 Berlin

Telephone: +49 176 35435797 (Tuesday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Thurs 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.)

Email: info[at]

Journalistic-editorial responsibility:

Philipp Bruckmann (RAe Eisenberg, Prof. Dr. König, Görlitzer Straße 74, 10997 Berlin)

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